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Sunday, 13 March 2011

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“Nuclear clock” redirects here. For the time as a bulk for risk of unlucky destruction, see Doomsday Clock.For a time updated by air call signals (commonly yet inaccurately called an “atomic clock”), see Radio clock.
FOCS 1, a unbroken cold caesium soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soda fountain atomic time in Switzerland, due doing in 2004 during an disbelief of a unaccompanied second in thirty million years
The master atomic time clothe during the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington D.C., that provides the time prevalent for the U.S. Department of Defense.1 the postpone mounted units in the certification have been HP 5071A caesium light clocks. the black units in the front have been Sigma-Tau MHM-2010 hydrogen maser standards.
An atomic clock is a time that uses an electronic flitting from a unaccompanied to an additional bulk in the cat-scan optical, or ultraviolet region2 of the electromagnetic spectrum of atoms as a bulk prevalent for its timekeeping element. Atomic clocks have been the most repremand time and bulk standards known, and have been used as primary standards for ubiquitous time chain services, to lift out the bulk of air call broadcasts, and in person from earth navigation astronomical physique systems such as GPS.
The member of operation of an atomic time is not shaped on arch physics, yet rsther than on atomic progression and using the cat-scan commitment that electrons in atoms leave when they shift ardour levels. Early atomic clocks were shaped on masers during room temperature. Currently, the most repremand atomic clocks primary cold the atoms to near extensive zero feverishness by loosening them with lasers and probing them in atomic fountains in a microwave-filled cavity. An example of this is the NIST-F1 atomic clock, the U.S. ancient primary time and bulk standard.
The exactness of an atomic time depends on the feverishness of the illustration atoms—cooler atoms overcome more slowly, needing longer inspect times, as well as having noted down situation rates—and on the bulk and unaccompanied extent of the electronic transition. Higher frequencies and slight lines increase precision.
National standards agencies contend an exactness of 10−9 seconds per day (approximately 1 prejudiced in 1014), and a indicating set by the air call conductor pumping the maser. these clocks collectively interpretation a unbroken and quick time scale, International Atomic Time (TAI). For respectful time, another time scale is disseminated, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). UTC is unbroken from TAI, yet you guess synchronized, by using burst seconds, to UT1, that is shaped on discernible rotations of the earth with ask oneself to the solar time.
The idea of using atomic transitions to bulk time was primary referred to by Lord Kelvin in 1879.3 the rational slight for you do this became enthralling resonance, grown in the 1930s by Isidor Rabi.4 in 1945, Rabi primary publicly referred to that atomic light enthralling rhythm might be used as the groundwork of a clock.5 the primary atomic time was an ammonia maser device built in 1949 during the U.S. National Bureau of Standards (NBS, now NIST). it was less repremand than extant quartz clocks, yet served to imply the concept.6 the primary repremand atomic clock, a caesium prevalent shaped on a certain flitting from a unaccompanied to an additional of the caesium-133 atom, was built by Louis Essen in 1955 during the National Physical Laboratory in the UK.7 Calibration of the caesium prevalent atomic time was carried out by the use of the astronomical time scale ephemeris time (ET).8 This led to the internationally resolved construction of the idealisation SI second being shaped on atomic time. Equality of the ET second with the (atomic clock) SI second has been repremand to inside of 1 prejudiced in 1010.9 the SI second to spell out inherits the result of decisions by the bizarre designers of the ephemeris time scale, last the length of the ET second.
May 2009- JILA’s strontium visible atomic time is shaped on neutral atoms. Shining a blue laser onto ultracold strontium atoms in an visible trap tests how good a prior to erupt of light from a red laser has increasing the atoms to an intense state. Only those atoms that tarry in the devaluate ardour state reply to the blue laser, causing the glisten seen here.10
Since the derivation of expansion in the 1950s, atomic clocks have been shaped on the hyperfine (microwave) transitions in hydrogen-1, caesium-133, and rubidium-87. the primary content atomic time was the Atomichron, done by the National Company. more than 50 were solitary in in in in in in in in between 1956 and 1960. This large and dear instrument was subsequently reversed by most not as large rack-mountable devices, such as the Hewlett-Packard denote 5060 caesium bulk standard, diminished in 1964.4
In the late 1990s four factors contributed to critical advances in clocks:11
Laser cooling and trapping of atomsSo-called high-finesse Fabry–PĂ©rot cavities for slight laser line widthsPrecision laser spectroscopyConvenient counting of visible frequencies using visible combs
In August 2004, NIST scientists demonstrated a chip-scaled atomic clock.12 according to the researchers, the time was believed to be one-hundredth the widen of any other. it was also claimed that it requires entirely 75 mW, origination it fitting for battery-driven applications. This device could possibly spin a consumer product.
Since 1967, the International System of Units (SI) has discernible the second as the epoch of 9192631770cycles of flaw equivalent to the flitting from a unaccompanied to an additional in in in in in in in in between twin ardour levels of the caesium-133 atom.13
This construction makes the caesium oscillator the primary prevalent for time and bulk measurements, called the caesium standard. other worldly quantities, e.g., the volt and the metre, rest on the construction of the second in their own definitions.14
The discernible time-reference of an atomic time consists of an electronic oscillator doing during cat-scan frequency. the oscillator is organized so that its frequency-determining components consolidate an member that can be willing by a feedback signal. the feedback commitment keeps the oscillator tuned in rhythm with the bulk of the electronic flitting from a unaccompanied to an additional of caesium or rubidium.
The core of the atomic time is a tunable cat-scan form containing the gas. in a hydrogen maser time the gas emits microwaves (the gas mases) on a hyperfine transition, the domain in the form oscillates, and the form is tuned for extent cat-scan amplitude. Alternatively, in a caesium or rubidium clock, the light or gas soaks up microwaves and the form contains an electronic amplifier to make it oscillate. For both sorts the atoms in the gas have been done up in a unaccompanied electronic state prior to to seasoned mixture them into the cavity. For the second arrange the array of atoms that shift electronic state is discovered and the form is tuned for a extent of discovered state changes.
Most of the complexity of the time lies in this combination process. the combination tries to repremand for not asked side-effects, such as frequencies from other iota transitions, feverishness changes, and the flourishing in frequencies caused by clothe effects. One way of you do this is to brush the cat-scan oscillator’s bulk conflicting a slight operation to breed a modulated commitment during the detector. the detector’s commitment can then be demodulated to ask feedback to lift out long-term deposition in the air call frequency. in this way, the quantum-mechanical properties of the atomic flitting from a unaccompanied to an additional bulk of the caesium can be used to shift the cat-scan oscillator to the same frequency, only for a small volume of primary error. When a time is primary incited on, it takes a while for the oscillator to stabilize. in practice, the feedback and monitoring apparatus is most more challenging than described above.
A array of other atomic time schemes have been in use for other purposes. Rubidium prevalent clocks have been loving for their low cost, small widen (commercial standards have been as small as 400 cm3) and short-term stability. they have been used in many commercial, inconstant and aerospace applications. Hydrogen masers (often done in Russia) have higher short-term restraint compared to other standards, yet devaluate long-term accuracy.
Often, a unaccompanied prevalent is used to repremand another. For example, a small content applications use a rubidium prevalent once in a while rebuilt by a person from earth positioning element receiver. This achieves stately short-term accuracy, with long-term exactness subsequent to to (and traceable to) the U.S. ancient time standards.
The lifetime of a prevalent is an important rational issue. Modern rubidium prevalent tubes last more than 10 years, and can cost as little as US$50.[citation needed] Caesium stress tubes fitting for ancient standards right away last about 7 years and cost about US$35,000. the long-term restraint of hydrogen maser standards decreases because of changes in the cavity’s properties over time.
Modern clocks use magneto-optical traps to cold the atoms for malleable precision.
There exists a array of methods of utilizing the hyperfine splitting. these methods have their benefits and draw-backs and have unfair the expansion of content desire and laboratory standards. by gathering the hardware that is used to inspect the atoms is called the worldly package.
Atomic light standard
The atomic light prevalent is a proceed progression of the Stern-Gerlach atomic ripping experiment. the atoms of welfare have been eager in an oven to create gas, that is collimated into a beam. This light passes by a state-selector magnet A, where atoms of the wrong state have been apart out from the beam. the light is defenceless to an RF domain during or near the transition. the light then passes by a space before it is again defenceless to the RF field. the RF domain and a stationary allied enthralling domain from the C-field spin will shift the state of the atoms. After the second RF domain temperament the atomic light passes by a second state selector magnet B, where the atom state being more aged out of the light during the A magnet is being selected. This way, the discovered volume of atoms will inform to the capacity to review the atomic transition. After the second state-selector a mass-spectrometer using an ionizer will admit the rate of atoms being received.
Modern variants of this light apparatus use visible pumping to flitting from a unaccompanied to an additional all atoms to the same state rsther than than send half the atoms. Optical arrangement using scintillation can also be used.
The most common isotope for light desire is caesium (133Cs), yet rubidium (87Rb) and thallium (205Tl) have been examples of others used in early research.
The bulk errors can be made very small for a light device, or expected (such as the enthralling domain lift of the C-coil) in such a way that a high category of repeatability and restraint can be achieved. This is since an atomic light can be used as a primary standard.
Atomic gas cave standard
The atomic gas cave prevalent builds on a close stress isotope (often an alkali steel such as Rubidium (87Rb)) inside an RF cavity. the atoms have been intense to a common state using visible pumping; when the unsentimental RF domain is swept over the hyperfine spectrum, the gas will locate the pumping light, and a photodetector provides the response. the generosity climb steers the fly-wheel oscillator.
A prevalent rubidium gas-cell uses a rubidium (87Rb) light eager to 108-110 degrees Celsius, and an RF domain to stir up it to allow light, where the D1 and D2 lines have been the touching wavelengths. An 85Rb cave filters out the D1 line so that entirely the D2 line pumps the 87Rb gas cave in the RF cavity.
Among the touching bulk pulling mechanisms elemental to the gas cave have been wall-shift, buffer-gas shift, cavity-shift and light-shift. the wall-shift occurs as the gas bumps into the wall of the refreshment container. Wall-shift can be noted down by wall cloaking and arrangement by protection gas. the protection gas shift comes from the stress atoms that miscarry into protection gas atoms such as neon and argon; these shifts can be both sure and negative. the form shift comes from the RF cavity, that can spin the rhythm breadth response; this depends upon form core bulk and resonator Q-value. Light-shift is an result where bulk is pulled differently depending on the light intensity, that often is modulated by the feverishness shift of the rubidium light and filter cell.
There have been to spell out many factors in that feverishness and aging can shift bulk over time, and this is since a gas cave prevalent is dilettante for a primary standard, yet can spin a very inexpensive, low-power and small-size restraint for a nominee prevalent or where softened restraint compared to transparent oscillators is needed, yet not the full opening of a caesium light standard. the rubidium gas standards have seen use in telecommunications systems and inconstant instruments.
Active maser standard
The active maser prevalent is a expansion from the atomic light prevalent in that the courtesy time was incremented by using a bounce-box. by last the light ardour impromptu spark will produce sufficient ardour to produce a unbroken oscillation, that is being tapped and used as a stress for a fly-wheel oscillator.
The active maser is understanding to wall-shift and form pulling. the wall-shift is mitigated by using PTFE cloaking (or other fitting coating) to devaluate the effect. the form pulling result can be noted down by contingent form tuning. in serve the enthralling domain pulls the frequency.
While not being long-term quick as caesium beams, it stays a unaccompanied of the most quick sources available. the elemental pulling products makes repeatability difficult and does prohibits its use as being primary standard, yet it makes an stately nominee standard. it is used as low-noise fly-wheel prevalent for caesium light standards.
Fountain standard
The soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soda fountain prevalent is a expansion from the light prevalent where the light has been folded at a back of to itself such that the primary and second RF domain becomes the same RF cavity. A spin of atoms is laser cooled, that reduces black physique feverishness shifts. Phase errors in in in in in in in in between RF cavities have been in essence removed. the length of the light is longer than many beams, yet the speed is also most slower such that the courtesy time becomes significantly longer and hence a higher Q value is finished in the Ramsay fringes.
Caesium fountains has been implemented in many laboratories, yet rubidium has even incomparable capacity to produce restraint in the soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soda fountain configuration.
Ion trap standard
The ion trap prevalent is a set of different approaches, yet their common ability is that atoms used in their ion form is close in a electrostatic domain and cooled down. the hyperfine shred of the available iota is then being tracked matching to that of a gas cave standard.
Ion traps has been attempted for large ions, where mercury 199Hg+ was an early candidate.
The ardour output of atomic clocks varies with their size.[citation needed] Chip scale atomic clocks need ardour on the method of 100 mW;[citation needed] NIST-F1 uses ardour orders of bulk greater.[citation needed]
Most examine focuses on the often hostile goals of origination the clocks smaller, cheaper, more accurate, and more reliable.
New technologies, such as femtosecond bulk combs, visible lattices and quantum information, have enabled prototypes of next epoch atomic clocks. these clocks have been shaped on visible rsther than than cat-scan transitions. A critical separator to structure an visible time is the be concerned of but check measuring visible frequencies. This censure has been solved with the expansion of self-referenced mode-locked lasers, usually referred to as femtosecond bulk combs. before the explanation of the bulk brush in 2000, terahertz techniques were essential to overpass the opening in in in in in in in in between air call and visible frequencies, and the systems for you do so were unmanageable and complicated. With the value of the bulk brush these measurements have spin most more available and large visible time systems have been now being grown around the world.
Like in the air call range, generosity spectroscopy is used to brace an oscillator — in this box a laser. When the visible bulk is at large distant down into a countable air call bulk using a femtosecond comb, the bandwidth of the portion receptive to advice is also at large distant by that factor. Although the bandwidth of laser portion receptive to advice is in all incomparable than quick cat-scan sources, after computation it is less.
The twin primary systems underneath caring for use in visible bulk standards have been unaccompanied ions private in an ion trap and neutral atoms trapped in an visible lattice.15 these twin techniques allow the atoms or ions to be magnitude private from outer perturbations, to spell out producing an greatly quick bulk reference.
Optical clocks have already finished softened restraint and devaluate a unaccompanied after an additional disbelief than the best cat-scan clocks.15 This puts them in a upon all sides to return the tide prevalent for time, the caesium soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soft drink soda fountain clock.
Atomic systems underneath caring consolidate Al+, Hg+/2+,15Hg, Sr, Sr2+, In3+, Ca, Yb+/2+/3+ and Yb.
Quantum clocks
In March 2008, physicists during NIST described a quantum explanation time shaped on sold ions of beryllium and aluminium. This time was compared to NIST’s mercury ion clock. these were the most repremand clocks that had been constructed, with and time gaining nor losing time during a rate that would transcend a second in over a billion years.16 in February 2010, NIST physicists described a second, lengthened account of the quantum explanation time shaped on sold ions of magnesium and aluminium. Considered the world’s most repremand clock, it offers more than twice the indicating of the original.1718
The expansion of atomic clocks has led to many one after an additional and technological advances such as a worldwide element of repremand upon all sides measure (Global Positioning System), and applications in the Internet, that rest critically on bulk and time standards. Atomic clocks have been consecrated during sites of time commitment air call transmitters. they have been used during a small enlarged call and center call inform stations to present a very repremand passage frequency.[citation needed] Atomic clocks have been used in many one after an additional disciplines, such as for long-baseline interferometry in radioastronomy.19
Global Positioning System
The Global Positioning System (GPS) provides very repremand timing and bulk signals. A GPS receiver functions by measuring the family time check of signals from a smallest of three, yet entirely more GPS satellites, each of that has 3 or four onboard caesium or rubidium atomic clocks. the family times have been mathematically transformed into 3 extensive spatial coordinates and a unaccompanied extensive time coordinate. the time is repremand to inside of about 50 nanoseconds. However, poor GPS receivers may not distribute a high priority to updating the display, so the displayed time may speak about merely from the middle time. Precision time references that use GPS have been marketed for use in resource networks, laboratories, and mobile communications networks, and do contend exactness to inside of about 50ns.
Time commitment air call transmitters
A air call time is a time that automatically synchronizes itself by equates to of organisation air call time signals viewed by a air call receiver. many retailers marketplace air call clocks inaccurately as atomic clocks; yet the air call signals they welcome emanate from atomic clocks, they have been not atomic clocks themselves. they have been poor time-keeping desire with an exactness of about a second. Instrument category time receivers produce higher accuracy. Such desire locate a transformation check of you guess 1 ms for every 300 kilometres (186 mi) of widen from the air call transmitter. many governments work transmitters for time-keeping purposes.
^ USNO Master Clock
^ McCarthy, P. Kenneth; Seidelmann (2009). TIME from Earth Rotation to Atomic Physics. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. ch. 10 & 11.
^ Sir William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) and Peter Guthrie Tait, Treatise on Natural Philosophy, 2nd ed. (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1879), vol. 1, prejudiced 1, page 227.^ a b M.A. Lombardi, T.P. Heavner, S.R. Jefferts (2007). “NIST Primary Frequency Standards and the Realization of the SI Second”. Journal of Measurement Science 2 (4): 74.
^ Isador I. Rabi, “Radiofrequency spectroscopy” (Richtmyer Memorial Lecture, delivered during Columbia University in New York, New York, on twenty January 1945). See also: “Meeting during New York, January nineteen and 20, 1945″ Physical Review, vol. 67, pages 199-204 (1945).

This ATOMIC CLOCK is formed upon google prohibited trends, check out an additional associated post for alternative good news. Enjoy.

Science Saturday: Real-time Quake Map + Volcano Light Show + Brain Map + Real-life Data Android + more

View Japan quake aftershocks in near-real-time, watch the light show at Kilauea volcano, make a map of the brain, and interact with a Data-like android. All this and more in this week’s Science Saturday!

Near-Real-Time Map of Japan Quake Aftershocks
The 8.9 magnitude earthquake that struck Japan this week has continued to shake the country with aftershocks. Researchers at Texas Tech’s Center for Geospatial Technologies have created a near-real-time map of aftershock earthquakes, accessible on the web. The map was developed after scientists notices a lack of information being presented on major news outlets. “It provides map information, satellite imagery and location of recent earthquakes. As part of this major earthquake, there are hundreds of aftershocks that follow.”
See the earthquake map live at

See the live earthquake map

Mount Kilauea Living Up to its Fiery Reputation
Mount Kilauea in Hawaii, whose name means “spewing” or “spreading” in Hawaiian, is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and has been giving onlookers quite a show lately. Throughout January and February, it has been rumbling and crater walls have been collapsing. On 3 March, a dramatic collapse at Halema’uma’u shows part of the vent wall falling into the lava lake. Erupting fissures were filmed in early March, sending lava up to 10 meters into the air. According to US Geological Survey (USGS), a lake of lava about 200 meters deep has formed inside one of the craters, while seismic activity in the area remains high. New reports estimate that 150 detectable earthquakes have been caused by the eruption, although so far it poses no threat to locals. The time-lapse is a compilation of videos shot by the (USGS) from a variety of cameras between 15 February and 6 March 2011. (via New Scientist)

Untangling the Brain
Knowing how the tangle of billions of nerve cells in the brain are connected will be key to understanding how we see and dream — and how to repair the brain when something goes wrong. In a first step, scientists have mapped the wiring in part of the mouse brain and related it to how the animal sees. (via Guardian Science)

Click to watch at The Guardian
New Amazingly Life-like Android Better than Data?
Some are claiming that Geminoid DK, a new android built by the Intelligent Robotics lab at Osaka University and designed by professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, might be even more lifelike than Brent Spiner’s Data. Just like Data was modeled after his creator Doctor Noonian Soong, the Geminoid DK is created in the likeness of professor Henrik Scharfe of Aalborg University in Denmark. “All of the movements and expressions of Geminoid DK are remote controlled by an operator with a computer, who uses a motion-capture system that tracks facial expressions and head movements. Turn your head and the Geminoid does the same; move your mouth and the android follows suit,” IEEE Spectrum reports. (via Universe Today)
Pic of the Week: Opportunity at Santa Maria Crater
The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter acquired this beautiful color image on March 9, 2011, of “Santa Maria” crater, showing NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity perched on the southeast rim.

Click for full image

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona
Science Bytes
Not enough science for you? Here’s a warp-speed look at some more science tid-bits that are worth a peek.
  • The next mission to Mars soon to be decided, based on decadal-survey committee recommendations
  • Half-Time for the Mars500

New York City casino bus accident leaves 13 dead

Thirteen people died Saturday when a bus returning to New York City from a casino overturned on a highway and was sliced in half by the support pole for a large sign.
world_wide_tours_tour_bus.jpgView full sizeThe tour bus after was sliced by the exit sign on Interstate 95 south in the Bronx borough of New York early Saturday.
The driver, who survived, told police he lost control while trying to evade a swerving tractor trailer. Police began a hunt for the truck, which did not stop after the crash, New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said. It was unclear whether the two vehicles made contact, he said.
The early morning wreck left a scene of carnage and closed the southbound side of Interstate-95 in the borough of the Bronx for hours while emergency workers attended to critically injured survivors and removed bodies.
The bus, operated by the charter company World Wide Tours, was headed to Manhattan's Chinatown neighborhood carrying a full load of passengers returning from the Mohegan Sun casino in Uncasville, Conn.
Many of the passengers on the bus were residents of Manhattan's Chinatown. They ranged in age from 20 to 50, officials said.
According to the driver, the accident was triggered by a close encounter with a tractor trailer as the two vehicles were entering the city at 5:35 a.m. The bus was in one lane. The truck was in the lane to its left.
"The truck either starts to swerve or perhaps even hits the bus," Kelly said. He said both vehicles were moving at "a significant rate of speed."
As the bus took evasive action, it hit a guard rail, scraped along it for 300 feet (90 meters), toppled and crashed into the support post for a highway sign indicating an exit.
The pole entered through the front window, then sheared the bus from front to back along the window line, cutting like a knife through the seating area and peeling the roof off all the way to the back tires.
Police and fire officials say the bus was carrying at least 31 passengers. A majority were hurled to the front of the bus by the sudden impact with the pole, fire chief Edward Kilduff said.
In addition to the fatalities, eight passengers were critically hurt, Kelly said. A total of 19 were being treated at area hospitals. Several were in surgery later Saturday.
The wreck also closed the northbound side of the highway, but those lanes were moving again by mid-morning.
Limo driver Homer Martinez, 56, of Danbury, Connecticut, happened on the scene just moments after the wreck and saw other drivers sprinting from their cars to assist the injured. He said they were horrified by what they found.
"People were saying, 'Oh my God. Oh my God,' holding their hands on their heads," Martinez said. "I saw people telling other people not to go there, 'You don't want to see this.'"
Firefighters and medics were on the scene quickly, running to the vehicle with bags and stretchers, he said.
"I see a lot of accidents. I've even seen accidents happen. But I've never seen anything like this," said Martinez.
Kelly said investigators had been given some numbers from the license plate of the tractor trailer, but hadn't identified or located a vehicle yet.
After the crash, firefighters took out seats and cut through the bus roof to reach a handful of passengers pinned in the wreckage. Kilduff called it "a very difficult operation."
Jim Fitzgerald and Tom Hays of The Associated Press wrote this report.